Saturday, 9 June 2012

Online Payroll Software and Salary management software in India

An online payroll software program is an Internet-based software program that handles salaries and related matters such as tax calculations, deductions, report generation, and form handling. Some systems print checks while others have direct deposit capabilities. The payroll management software reduces errors, it does time tracking, it lowers your HR budget and it offers convenience. There are many such programs in the market, but avoid the temptation of going for the first one you get. Learn the qualities of a good payroll accounting software so that you can make a good decision.

A good salary software program is one where there is on-going development. Go for an online payroll software program that has regular free upgrades. This ensures that you are always up-to-date with the latest technological developments in the accounting world and that you are compliant with the most current legislation.

Outsourcing the development of your online payroll software to Sensys Technologies is important because you will get valuable advice on such things as how to make your software better and how to optimize the performance of your HR team. You will also get training after the software has been delivered.

Buying payroll management software helps business owners to save monetary due to payroll management and its related services and SensysIndia is one of the leading companies in selling payroll management software.

 A good salary software program is one that has the tools and features you need. The best software provides full automation since this reduces your HR staff. The salary software should be stand-alone, but it should also be possible to integrate it with HR, time and attendance and other software. The software should run on a single SQL database. The output should be Microsoft® Excel, the most popular spreadsheet application. The database in the software should have comprehensive employee details, including their previous and current name, DOB, address, marital status, bank details, next of kin, position, contractual information and salary information.

You will need a multi-company system if your company has different departments, locations or cost centres. The best payroll software for India is one that offers room for dynamic integration with other third party finance systems. The software should be RTI-ready and it should facilitate online filing.